Ein Einblick in den chaotischen Charme meines Lebens als psychisch kranke Schweizerin Mitte vierzig, die in einer charmanten Kleinstadt im Kanton Solothurn lebt. Geschichten, Fotos und gelegentliche Meinungen, wenn mir danach ist. Willkommen in den rohen, ungefilterten Momenten meiner Welt.
Life is a journey, an ever-evolving process of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. Over the past three months, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing and supporting Zia through one of the most profound and courageous...
In December 2019, I received the official confirmation for my partial IV pension, and with that, life finally stopped feeling like a cruel joke. Naturally, I did what any self-respecting Swiss citizen would do:...
Yesterday and today, after a week of vacation, I was back at work in the cooperative. Despite the immense burden of losing his sister just a week ago, Paddy also decided to try to...
Harry Harlow traumatized baby monkeys so we didn’t have to. Unfortunately, my parents didn’t get the memo. Introduction: Love, Science, and the Lack Thereof Let’s talk about attachment. Specifically, how much of it we...
Eine Woche Ferien – wobei „Ferien“ vielleicht das falsche Wort ist, da ich nicht besonders entspannt war. Eigentlich wollte ich meine freie Zeit geniessen und produktiv nutzen, aber das ist mir wie immer komplett...
As someone diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD), I have extensively researched both clinical and theoretical perspectives to better understand my condition. In the German-speaking field, Rainer Sachse is one of the very few...
Living with Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD) and anxiety sometimes feels like playing life on expert mode, except no one gave you the cheat codes. If you’ve ever felt like avoiding life’s social circus, dodging...
This week has completely overwhelmed me. Just as I had finished my blog post „Facing the Past: My Story with Paddy,“ which was published as planned yesterday, life threw me into a new chapter...
AVPD Comorbidity: Understanding Its Impact on Mental Health Anyone who delves into mental illnesses and disorders will soon encounter the phenomenon of comorbidity. This is the technical term for the simultaneous occurrence of multiple...
Introduction: Diagnoses as a Double-Edged Sword Psychiatric diagnoses, including mental health diagnoses, can be helpful, but they can also be restrictive, stigmatizing, or misleading. They are necessary to enable treatments and support, yet they...
Heute hatte ich meine Routineuntersuchung bei meinem Hausarzt nach den halbjährlichen Bluttests, Teil derfortlaufenden Nachsorge nach meinem Magenbypass. Wie die meisten Menschen mit einem Magenbypass kämpfeich ständig mit Nährstoffmängeln. Im Laufe der Zeit haben...
Letzten Dienstag hatte ich einen Termin beim Betreibungsamt – eine Pfändungsvollstreckung. In den letzten zwanzig Jahren waren solche Termine ein wiederkehrender Teil meines Lebens. Dies ist nicht meine erste Betreibung und wird auch nicht...
Im Dezember 2019 erhielt ich endlich die lang ersehnte Nachricht: Ich bekam eine Teilrente der IV zugesprochen. Nach einer langen Zeit der Arbeitslosigkeit war das ein Wendepunkt. Denn Zeit ist eine Droge – zu...
Last December, I made a discovery during the Black Friday sales—a Google Smartwatch at an unbeatable deal on Amazon. I’ve always had a deep love for technology and gadgets, often finding myself captivated by...
Think avoidant personality disorder means I secretly run a crime syndicate and feel no remorse? Sorry to disappoint—I’m just over here overthinking a text reply for three hours. Let’s debunk some myths!
This year, I’ve chosen a bear as my spirit animal—a deeply emotional and powerful image for me. With the help of my therapist, I worked through a process to uncover what I want to...